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By Upprunamerkingar
DAÐASTAÐIR (Dadi´s Place), Núpasveit (Crag district) Current occupants: Guðrún S Kristjánsdóttir and Gunnar Einarsson The farmers at DAÐASTAÐIR participate in the following national initiatives and projects: Quality managed sheep farming (Gæðastýrð sauðfjárræktun) Farmers cultivate the land (Bændur græða landið) Reclamation under the auspices of the Land-remidy fund (Uppgræðsla á vegum Landabótasjóðs) A reforestation project (Skógræktarverkefni) Guðrún and Gunnar have pursued farming at DAÐASTAÐIR (Dadi´s Place) since 1982. They also utilize the hayfields and grazing grounds of the deserted farms ARNARHÓLL (Eagle Hillock) and ARNARSTAÐIR (Eagle Place). A relatively large tracts of land and carrying good grazing grounds belongs to DAÐASTAÐIR, the…
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By Upprunamerkingar
BREKKA (Slope), Núpasveit (Crag district) Current occupant: Dagbjartur Bogi Ingimundarson The farm was listed amongst the highest rated farms in Iceland for the production year 2015 by Rannsóknamiðstöð landbúnaðarins (The Agricultural Research Centre). The farmer at BREKKA participates in the following national initiatives and projects: Quality managed sheep farming (Gæðastýrð sauðfjárræktun) Farmers cultivate the land (Bændur græða landið) A reforestation project (Skógræktarverkefni) Dagbjartur Bogi has pursued farming at BREKKA (Slope) since 1982. The residence house and other buildings are situated on the hillock of BREKKUHÓLL (Slope Hillock), a short distance south of the farm SNARTARSTAÐIR (Snortur´s Place). A large sedge-pond is…
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By Upprunamerkingar
ÞVERÁ (Tributary River), Öxarfjörður (Axe Fjord district) Current occupants: Benedikt Kristjánsson and Erla Ingólfsdóttir The farm was listed amongst the highest rated farms in Iceland for the production year 2014 by Rannsóknamiðstöð landbúnaðarins (The Agricultural Research Centre). The farmers at ÞVERÁ participate in the following national initiatives and projects: Quality managed sheep farming (Gæðastýrð sauðfjárræktun) Farmers cultivate the land (Bændur græða landið) Reclamation under the auspices of the Land-remidy fund (Uppgræðsla á vegum Landabótasjóðs) Erla and Benedikt have pursued farming at ÞVERÁ (Tributary River) since 1982. The residence houses and outhouses at ÞVERÁ are situated on the south edge of the…
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By Upprunamerkingar
VALÞJÓFSSTAÐIR III (Valthjofur´s Place III), Núpasveit (Crag district) Current occupant: Eiríkur Björnsson Eiríkur participates in the following national initiative: Quality managed sheep farming (Gæðastýrð sauðfjárræktun) Eiríkur has actively participated in the farming activities at VALÞJÓFSSTAÐIR (Valthjofur´s Place) since he was born. A short distance east of mountain VALÞJÓFSSTAÐAFJALL (Valthjofurs Place Mountain) a small valley dell is found,  VESTURDALUR (West Valley) or EINARSSTAÐADALUR (Einar´s Place Valley).  Optimal grazing fields are in this area, with interchanging marshes and grassy tracts of land surrounded by heathery hillsides rich with berries. A long abandoned farm named KJARNAGERÐI (Core Hedge) is situated in the valley…
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By Upprunamerkingar
KLIFSHAGI (Cliff Pasture), Öxarfjörður (Axe Fjord district) Current occupants: Stefán Pétursson and Guðlaug Anna Ívarsdóttir. The farm was listed amongst the highest rated farms in Iceland for the production year 2015 by Rannsóknamiðstöð landbúnaðarins (The Agricultural Research Centre). The farmers in KLIFSHAGI participate in the following national initiatives: Quality managed sheep farming (Gæðastýrð sauðfjárræktun) Farmers cultivate the land (Bændur græða landið) Stefán and Guðlaug have pursued farming in KLIFSHAGI (Cliff Pasture) since 1990. The residence houses and outhouses of KLIFSHAGI I and II are gathered close to each other on the edge of a small slope facing south. Below the…
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By Upprunamerkingar
HAFRAFELLSTUNGA (Goat-Buck Mountain Spit), Öxarfjörður (Axe Fjord district) Current occupants: Karl S Björnsson, Bjarki Fannar Karlsson and Eyrún Ösp Skúladóttir The farm was listed amongst the highest rated farms in Iceland for the production year 2015 by Rannsóknamiðstöð landbúnaðarins (The Agricultural Research Centre). The farmers in HAFRAFELLSTUNGA participate in the following national initiatives and projects: Quality managed sheep farming (Gæðastýrð sauðfjárræktun) Farmers cultivate the land (Bændur græða landið) Reclamation under the auspices of the Land-remidy fund (Uppgræðsla á vegum Landabótasjóðs) Karl and his family have pursued farming at HAFRAFELLSTUNGA (Goat-Buck Mountain Spit) since 1963. The next generation with his son Bjarki and…
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By Upprunamerkingar
VALÞJÓFSSTAÐIR I (Valthjofur´s Place I), Núpasveit (Crag district) Current occupants: Björn Halldórsson and Elisabet Hauge. The farmers at VALÞJÓFSSTAÐIR I participate in the following national initiatives and projects: Quality managed sheep farming (Gæðastýrð sauðfjárræktun) Farmers cultivate the land (Bændur græða landið) Reclamation under the auspices of the Land-remidy fund (Uppgræðsla á vegum Landabótasjóðs) A reforestation project (Skógræktarverkefni) Björn and Elisabet have pursued farming at VALÞJÓFSSTAÐIR (Valthjofur´s Place) since 1978. VALÞJÓFSSTAÐIR I and II have now been combined to one, VALÞJÓFSSTAÐIR I, that holds 3/4 share of the undivided land of VALÞJÓFSSTAÐIR.  The remaining forth part is shared by VALÞJÓFSSTAÐIR III and…
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By Upprunamerkingar
BJARNASTAÐIR (Bjarni´s Place), Öxarfjörður (Axe Fjord district) Current occupants: Elín Maríusdóttir and Halldór Svanur Olgeirsson The farmers at BJARNASTAÐIR participate in the following national initiatives and projects: Quality managed sheep farming (Gæðastýrð sauðfjárræktun) Farmers cultivate the land (Bændur græða landið) Reclamation under the auspices of the Land-remidy fund (Uppgræðsla á vegum Landabótasjóðs) Halldór and Elín have pursued farming at BJARNASTAÐIR (Bjarni´s Place) since 1981. The farm is situated on the bank of a small groundwater river north-east of the farm AUSTARALAND (Easterly Land). Relatively low, bush grown hillocks demarcate the dell where the farm is situated and hence, panoramic view is…
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By Upprunamerkingar
SYÐRA-ÁLAND (Southerly On-Land), Þistilfjörður (Thistle Fjord district) Current occupants: Ólafur B Vigfússon and Karen Konráðsdóttir The farmers at SYÐRA-ÁLAND participate in the following national initiatives: Quality managed sheep farming (Gæðastýrð sauðfjárræktun) Farmers cultivate the land (Bændur græða landið) Ólafur and Karen have pursued farming in SYÐRA-ÁLAND (Southerly On-Land), previously called FREMRA-ÁLAND (Anterior On-Land), since 1997. The approximately 4 km long secondary road from the district highway road 85 to the farm runs along the north side of the ridge of SKÓGARÁS (Forest Ridge). The residence house sits on a relatively high gravel bed and the sheepsheds and other outhouses a short…
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By Upprunamerkingar
HVAMMUR II (Hollow II), Þistilfjörður (Thistle Fjord district) Current occupants: Sigurður Jens Sverrisson and Kristín Jónsdóttir. The farmers at HVAMMUR II participate in the following national initiatives: Quality managed sheep farming (Gæðastýrð sauðfjárræktun) Farmers cultivate the land (Bændur græða landið) The residence houses and outhouses in HVAMMUR II were previously situated on the riverbank, a stretch south of the current location. Here, the descendants of Aðalstein Jónasson and Jóhanna Sigfúsdóttir who pursued farming in HVAMMUR for decades, had a cenotaph built in their memory in 1980. South of this previous location of the farm buildings the farm´s creek runs in a rather…
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