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FELL (Mountain), LANGANESSTRÖND (Long Peninsula Coast district)

Current occupants: Reimar Sigurjónsson and Dagrún Þórisdóttir

The farmers at FELL participate in the following national initiatives:

  • Quality managed sheep farming (Gæðastýrð sauðfjárræktun)

  • Farmers cultivate the land (Bændur græða landið)

reimar 6The farm of FELL (Mountain) is situated south-east of the small bay of GUNNÓLFSVÍK (Gunnolfur´s Creek) which takes it´s name from the close by mountain GUNNÓLFSVÍKURFJALL (Gunnolfur´s Creek Mountain). A radar station is located on the top of the mountain, previously run by the United States Army and currently by the Icelandic government. More information is on the way.

Photo album.

Here are photos of the farm and from the family who lives there.

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