VESTARALAND (Westerly Land), Öxarfjörður (Axe Fjord district)
Current occupant: Sveinbjörn Aðalgeirsson
The farmer at VESTARALAND participates in the following national initiatives and projects:
Quality managed sheep farming (Gæðastýrð sauðfjárræktun)
Farmers cultivate the land (Bændur græða landið)
Reclamation under the auspices of the Land-remidy fund (Uppgræðsla á vegum Landabótasjóðs)
Sveinbjörn has pursued farming in VESTARALAND (Westerly Land) since 1982.
In 1922 the property of VESTARALAND was split into two parts of equal size, VESTARALAND I and II, a splitting that has persisted throughout the years. A substantial sheep farming has been operated on both farms through the years and during a period, one of the two farmers, Kristján Jónsson, kept the highest number of sheeps in the district of ÖXARFJÖRÐUR (Axe Fjord district). However, and due to risks represented by the canyons of the glacial river JÖKULSÁ Á FJÖLLUM (Glacial Mountain River), farming of sheeps in this area is quite problematic, with many examples of sheeps being driven off the high cliffs in bad weathers and perishing in the canyon.
Photl album.
Here are photos of the farm and from the family who lives there.